IUEA Engineering Students Society Launched By UIPE

UIPE and IUEA launch the IUEA Engineering Students Society and Innovation Clinic, allowing IUEA engineering students to regularly benefit from the wisdom of industry veterans.
Eng. Mpuuga Henry, incoming Vice President of UIPE, and Eng. Kiddu Kawuki, Honourable Secretary of UIPE and Patron of the IUEA Engineering Society, capture a moment with the cabinet of the IUEA Engineering Society.

With the official launch of the Engineering Students Society and Innovation Clinic by the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE) on the 2nd of April 2024, the Engineering faculty at the International University of East Africa reached new heights. This landmark event was graced by distinguished guests including UIPE President, Andrew Muhwezi and incoming Vice President, Eng. Mpuuga Henry, alongside the Vice Chancellor, Dean of Engineering, and various Heads of Departments from IUEA. About a year into their partnership, IUEA and UIPE have introduced initiatives that promise to revolutionise the learning experience for our engineering students.

What is the IUEA Innovation Clinic?

In line with our commitment to fostering innovation, the IUEA Innovation Clinic was launched in collaboration with UIPE. This clinic aims to cultivate and refine the creative ideas of our engineering students, offering resources and guidance to turn ideas into tangible solutions for real-world challenges. Eng. Mpuuga Henry emphasised the availability of facilities to support and nurture these innovative ideas, relieving students of concerns about funding and encouraging them to focus on problem-solving.

What is an Engineering Students Society?

An Engineering Students Society serves as a nurturing ground for future engineers, fostering mentorship, teamwork, and practical skills application. At IUEA, the President of the IUEA Engineering Society, Mr. Lewis Bisaso Nakabaale and his cabinet will oversee the structuring of the society, working in tandem with the faculty of engineering to provide a supportive environment for aspiring engineers to thrive.

Mr. Lewis Bisaso Nakabaale, President of the IUEA Engineering Society introduces himself and shares an inspiring speech.

How Do IUEA Students Benefit from an Engineering Students Society?

Through our partnership with UIPE, members of the Engineering Students Society gain access to a myriad of benefits including:

  • Internship Opportunities: Real-world experience guided by UIPE-certified professionals.
  • Networking: Regular interaction with industry experts, fostering valuable connections.
  • Insight into the Professional Field: Access to industry insider insights and real-time discussions.
  • Development of Skills: Opportunities to enhance teamwork and leadership abilities through collaboration with peers.
Eng. Mpuuga Henry imparts valuable insights on the significance of having a passion for your chosen field while at the same time ensuring it is relevant to society.

What happened during the launch event?

The inauguration event was both enlightening and inspiring, featuring speeches from esteemed guests who shared invaluable advice for aspiring engineers. A recurring theme emphasised the importance of passion and relevance in one’s chosen career path, echoing the sentiment that graduates who are passionate and aligned with industry needs are best positioned for success.

The budding engineers of IUEA eagerly absorb the wisdom shared by our distinguished guests from UIPE during the launch.

Should Engineers Embrace Artificial Intelligence?

Eng. Mpuuga encouraged attendees to embrace artificial intelligence as a tool to expedite and simplify work, dispelling fears of it replacing innovators. He also highlighted the value of UIPE membership, particularly at the professional level, which offers recognition across East Africa and beyond, providing a competitive edge in the job market.

Eng. Andrew Muhwezi elaborates on the wise words of Eng Mpuuga, urging engineering students to take control of their destiny.

The launch of the IUEA Engineering Students Society and the Innovation Clinic signifies a significant milestone in our commitment to delivering a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience. As we prepare the next generation of engineers, we invite passionate individuals to join us in shaping a brighter future for Uganda’s engineering landscape.

In conclusion, these initiatives represent not just a step forward for our university, but a leap towards excellence in engineering education and innovation. We invite all enthusiastic individuals to join us on this remarkable journey.


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