IUEA Mental Health Seminar Promotes Mental Wellness

IUEA promotes mental health awareness with an insightful seminar open to all.
Dr David Basangwa and Dr Joy Uwairegye Nkurunziza with esteemed guests, IUEA staff, and distinguished students.

On June 20, 2024, the International University of East Africa (IUEA) organised a Mental Health Awareness Seminar, featuring esteemed mental health professionals and attended by key university figures including Dean of Students Natasha Sonnet and IUEA’s licensed psychologist and university counsellor, Ms Shurina Stokes. The seminar included valuable contributions from Dr David Basangwa, a senior consultant psychiatrist at Nsambya Hospital, and Dr Joy Uwairegye Nkurunziza, a clinical psychologist, providing a transformative experience for all attendees.

Ms Shurina Stokes, IUEA’s licensed counsellor at the IUEA Mental Health Seminar.

Why is Mental Health Important?

Dr Joy explained that mental health encompasses spiritual, emotional, and cognitive well-being, highlighting its crucial role in overall quality of life. She emphasised that mental wellness benefits everyone, not just those with specific issues, making the insights shared at the seminar universally relevant.

How do I know if I or my loved one has a mental health issue?

Dr Joy outlined key indicators of mental health issues, such as:

  • Drastic Personality Changes: For example, a typically energetic person becomes withdrawn.
  • Unusual Movement: For instance, unexplained restlessness or sluggishness.
  • Perception Issues: Difficulty recognising familiar places or distinguishing between reality and delusions.
Dr Joy Uwairegye shares eye-opening insights on the impacts and signs of mental health issues.

What are some of the ways through which we can prevent mental health issues?

Prevention is better than cure, and Dr. Joy shared several strategies:

  • Reducing Stressors
  • Minimising Risk Factors
  • Practicing Proper Childcare
  • Developing Coping Mechanisms
  • Preparing for Emergencies and Disasters
Mohamed Farhad Mohamed, an esteemed student at IUEA, was absorbed by the profound insights shared during the IUEA mental health seminar.

Why does drug abuse persist?

Dr David Basangwa discussed the prevalence of drug abuse, noting it often begins in youth and affects vulnerable groups such as street children, refugees, and mental health patients.

Reasons for drug abuse include:

  • Experimentation: Curiosity leading to substance use.
  • Peer Pressure: Desire to fit in socially.
  • Availability: Easy access to substances.
  • Self-Medication: Using drugs to avoid medical consultation.

How dangerous is drug abuse?

Dr David categorised the severe consequences of drug abuse into:

  • Mental Effects: Damage to the brain.
  • Social Effects: Negative impact on relationships.
  • Economic Effects: Financial strain due to addiction.
Dr David Basangwa delivers insights on drug abuse and depression.

What other topic was touched upon during the mental health seminar?

Depression was also a key topic, with Dr. David noting its significant contribution to global disability and rising suicide rates. He stressed the importance of mental health wellness to prevent and cope with depression.

Have Other Questions About Mental Health, Depression, or Drug Abuse?

Addressing all aspects of mental health, depression, and drug abuse in one session is impossible. Fortunately, IUEA offers continuous support through our licensed counsellor, available both on campus and on call, ready to address any questions or concerns.

During the seminar’s Q&A session, several important questions were raised:

  1. Is it okay to take alcohol in small quantities?
  1. What are some side effects of taking alcohol?
  • Dr. David explained that alcohol consumption can cause palpitations, disrupt sleep, and worsen ulcers for some individuals.
  1. Is changing your environment enough to stop a culture of drug abuse?
  • Dr. David emphasised the importance of personal responsibility. Individuals should seek out groups that reinforce positive behaviours, especially if they are vulnerable to drug abuse.
IUEA’s student counsellor, Ms Shurina Stokes, welcomes students to the health seminar, encouraging them to seek transformative sessions with her.

For more questions, our monthly newsletter features the “Ask Veronica” column, where we explore intriguing questions about mental and physical health. In the May edition, we delved into relationship issues. Check it out—you’re sure to discover surprising insights and valuable knowledge.

At IUEA, we are dedicated to ensuring our students lead happy and fulfilling lives. Life’s challenges are inevitable, and it is crucial to develop healthy coping mechanisms. IUEA’s support system includes lecturers, the dean of students, administrative staff, and a diverse, welcoming student body. Whether seeking comfort in familiar backgrounds or exploring new cultures, our community offers a supportive network for all.

You are never alone at IUEA.


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