Vice-Chancellor Message

Vice Chancellor of IUEA
PhD Information Systems & Structures Rutgers University, USA
Welcome to Uganda, Home to IUEA!
We are a university that believes in offering a transformational experience for its students, ensuring that you grow and develop in ways that you might not even yet have dreamed of.
We are one of the strongest universities in East Africa; that means we don’t just rely on a heritage stretching back over many years but focus on making history every day. Our growing numbers and high graduate employability demonstrate that we are a real force in the higher education sector.
International University of East Africa welcomes students from all around the globe to study in our fantastic location along Ggaba Road, Kansanga, Kampala, Uganda, the Pearl of Africa. Our campus is stylish and modern, set in a thriving location where you will soon feel at home.
We put significant importance on developing courses where employers are actively involved in course design and delivery. As a result of our emphasis on employability and transferable skills, our graduates gain good jobs quickly after graduating. Joining forces with employers, businesses, and research organisations, we give them access to the kind of people they are looking for
So come and join us for a transformational experience, one which you will never forget and will stand with you in good stead for the rest of your life.
IUEA offers many programs that lead to a Certificate, Diploma, Undergraduate, and Post-graduate Degrees, as well as, short courses that prepare students for both employment and entry into Degree programmes.
All Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Masters are designed to ensure that the students get maximum expertise in the use of technology; completing their programs armed with (as our mission states)an excellent education that includes practical experience and skills for employment and entrepreneurship.
Technology is at the heart of our philosophy. The twenty-first century is characterised by change. We believe that this is something to be inspired by rather than resisted. The world is constantly evolving, and so are we. We will help you to develop the skills and insights that will always be relevant, no matter how things change further down the road. In a world where nothing ever stays the same, we all need to Learn to Succeed.